Gary Galbraith Logo


 1.	Ada (to have, exist, there is, there are)
 2.	Adik (younger sibling)
 3.	Agustus (August)
 4.	Air (water)
 5.	Akan (will)
 6.	Aku (I)
 7.	Alamat (address)
 8.	Alargi (allergy)
 9.	Alkitab (Bible)
10.	Ambil (take)
11.	Amerika (America, United States)
12.	Anak (child)
13.	Anak laki laki (boy)
14.	Anak perempuan (girl)
15.	Anda (you)
16.	Anjing (dog)
17.	Angkot (public transporation)
18.	Antara (between)
19.	Apa (what)
20.	Apa-apa (anything)
21.	Apakah (is it that?… 
	Indicates a yes or no answer)
22.	Apel (apple)
23.	Apotik (pharmacy)
24.	Asam (sour)
25.	Asin (salty)
26.	Asing (foreigner)
27.	Atap (roof)
28.	Atas (up or above)
29.	Atau (or)
30.	Awas (look out)
31.	Ayah (father)
32.	Ayam (chicken)
33.	Ayo (let’s go)
34.	Babi (pork or pig)
35.	Bagaimana (how)
36.	Bagus (good: used of things you can see)
37.	Bandara (airport)
38.	Basah (wet)
39.	Bantu (help)
40.	Banyak (many or much)
41.	Bapak (father)
42.	Barat (west)
43.	Baru (new)
44.	Bawah (down or under)
45.	Bayar (pay)
46.	Bayi (baby)
47.	Beberapa (some, several)
48.	Becak (bike with roof)
49.	Begini (like this)
50.	Begitu (oh I see, like that)
51.	Belajar (learn)
52.	Belakang (behind)
53.	Beli (buy)
54.	Belok (turn, change direction)
55.	Belum (not yet)
56.	Benar (correct or right)
57.	Bensin (gasoline)
58.	Berada (located)
59.	Berapa (how many or how much?)
60.	Berapa jam (how many hours?)
61.	Berbeda (different)
62.	Berdiri (stand)
63.	Berenang (swim)
64.	Berhenti (stop)
65.	Beri (give)
66.	Berkata (to say)
67.	Berlari (run)
68.	Bersih (clean)
69.	Besar (big)
70.	Besok (tomorrow)
71.	Bertemu (to meet)
72.	Betul (correct or right)
73.	Biasa(nya) (usually, normally)
74.	Bicara (speak)
75.	Binatang (animal)
76.	Bintang (star)
77.	Bir (beer)
78.	Biru (blue)
79.	Bis (bus)
80.	Bisa (can or able to)
81.	Bodoh (stupid)
82.	Bola (ball)
83.	Boleh (may)
84.	Botol (bottle)
85.	Buah (fruit)
86.	Buat (make)
87.	Bunga (flower)
88.	Buka (open)
89.	Bukan (not a… used before a noun)
90.	Buku (book)
91.	Bulan (month or moon)
92.	Bule (white man)
93.	Bundar (round)
94.	Burung (bird)
95.	Brutal (brutle)
96.	Cangkir (cup)
97.	Cape (tired)
98.	Cari (search)
99.	Cawin (to mate)
100.	Celana (pants)
101.	Cepat (fast)
102.	Coba (try)
103.	Coklat (brown)
104.	Contoh (for example)
105.	Counter (counter)
106.	Cuci (wash)
107.	Dalam (inside)
108.	Dapat (get, obtain)
109.	Dapur (kitchen)
110.	Dan (and)
111.	Dari (from)
112.	Daripada (than)
113.	Datang (come)
114.	Daud (David)
115.	Dekat (near)
116.	Delapan (eight)
117.	Dengan (with)
118.	Depan (in front)
119.	Desa (village)
120.	Desember (December)
121.	Detik (a second of time)
122.	Dewasa (adult)
123.	Di (in, at, on: indicates position)
124.	Dia (he or she)
125.	Diare (diareahha)
126.	Dilarang (prohibited)
127.	Dingin (cold)
128.	Doa (pray)
129.	Doctor (doctor)
130.	Doctor gigi (dentist)
131.	Dolar (dollar)
132.	Dorong (push)
133.	Dua (two)
134.	Duduk (sit)
135.	Dulu (formerly, first)
136.	Ekor (tail, animal)
137.	Ember (bucket)
138.	Empat (four)
139.	Enak (delicious)
140.	Enam (six)
141.	Es (ice)
142.	Febuari (Febuary)
143.	Foto (photo)
144.	Gadis (young woman)
145.	Gajah (elephant)
146.	Gambar (picture)
147.	Garam (salt)
148.	Garasi (garage)
149.	Garejah (church)
150.	Garpu (fork)
151.	Gedung (building)
152.	Gelap (dark)
153.	Gelas (glass)
154.	Generasi (generation)
155.	Gigi (tooth)
156.	Gigit (bite)
157.	Goreng (fried)
158.	Gratis (free)
159.	Gula (sugar)
160.	Gula gula (candy)
161.	Guru (teacher)
162.	Halaman (page)
163.	Hampir (almost)
164.	Handuk (towel)
165.	Hangat (warm)
166.	Hanya (only: used at 
	beginning of sentence only)
167.	Harap (hope)
168.	Harga (price)
169.	Hari (day)
170.	Hari ini (today)
171.	Hari senin (Monday)
172.	Hari selasa (Tuesday)
173.	Hari ramu (Wednesday)
174.	Hari kamis (Thursday)
175.	Hari jumat (Friday)
176.	Hari sabtu (Saturday)
177.	Hari Minggu (Sunday)
178.	Harus (have to)
179.	Hati (heart)
180.	Hati-hati (be careful)
181.	helikopter (helicopter)
182.	Hijau (green)
183.	Hidup (live)
184.	Hindup (nose)
185.	Hitam (black)
186.	HP (hand phone)
187.	Hujan (rain)
188.	Ibu (mother)
189.	Indah (beautiful: 
	used of things not people)
190.	Ini (this)
191.	Ikan (fish)
192.	Ingat (remember)
193.	(Men)isi (to fill up)
194.	Istirahat (rest)
195.	Istri (wife)
196.	Itu (that)
197.	Jadi (so)
198.	Jalan (street, way)
199.	Jalan kaki (walking)
200.	Jam (hour or clock)
201.	Jam berapa (what time is it?)
202.	Jambu (guava)
203.	Januari (January)
204.	Jarang (rarely, seldom)
205.	Jari (finger)
206.	Jari kaki (toe)
207.	Jatuh (fall as in “fall down”)
208.	Jauh (far)
209.	Jawab (answer)
210.	Jelek (bad as in spoiled or rotten)
211.	Jendela (window)
212.	Jiwa (soul)
213.	Jual (sell)
214.	Juga (also, too)
215.	Juli (July)
216.	Juni (June)
217.	Jus (juice)
218.	Juta (million)
219.	Kaca (glass)
220.	Kacamata (eye glasses)
221.	Kadang-kadang (sometimes)
222.	Kajang (nut)
223.	Kakak (older sibling)
224.	Kaki (leg or foot)
225.	Kalau (if, used conditionally)
226.	Kali (time)
227.	Kalian (you plural)
228.	Kalimat (sentence)
229.	Kamar (room private)
230.	Kamera (camera)
231.	Kami (we exclusive)
232.	Kampung (village)
233.	Kamu (you informal)
234.	Kanan (right)
235.	Kantor (office)
236.	Kapal (ship)
237.	Kapan (when)
238.	Karena (because)
239.	Kareta api (train)
240.	Kasih (grace, give, love)
241.	Kata (word)
242.	Kaus kaki (socks)
243.	Kaya (rich)
244.	Ke (to: indicates direction)
245.	Kecil (small: used of size)
246.	Keju (cheese)
247.	Kelapa (coconut)
248.	Keluar (to go out, exit)
249.	Kembali (return, thank you)
250.	Kemeja (shirt)
251.	Kemarin (yesterday)
252.	Kenalkan (meet, get 
	aquainted with, introduce)
253.	Kenapa (why)
254.	Kenyang (full stomach)
255.	Keren (cool)
256.	Kerja (work)
257.	Kertas (paper)
258.	Kira-kira (approximately)
259.	Kiri (left)
260.	Kita (we inclusive)
261.	Koncept (concept)
262.	Konservasi (conservation)
263.	Koran (newspaper)
264.	Kosong (empty)
265.	Kotor (dirty)
266.	Kuasa (power)
267.	Kuat (strong)
268.	Kucing (cat)
269.	Kuda (horse)
270.	Kudus (holy)
271.	Kue (cake)
272.	Kulit (skin)
273.	Kulkas (freezer)
274.	Kunning (yellow)
275.	Kurang (less)
276.	Kuranjan (basket)
277.	Kursi (chair)
278.	Kristus (Christ)
279.	Lagi (again or more
	or continue)
280.	Lahir (born: “lahir lagi”
	= born again)
281.	Lain (another)
282.	Lain-lain (etc.)
283.	Laki laki (man)
284.	Lalu (then, next)
285.	Lama (long)
286.	Lampu (lamp or light)
287.	Langit (sky)
288.	Langit-langit (ceiling)
289.	Lantai (floor or level)
290.	Lapar (hungry)
291.	Laut (sea)
292.	Lebih (more)
293.	Lemari (cupboard)


294.	Lemari (cupboard)
295.	Lengan (arm)
296.	Lewat (pass or past)
297.	Lima (five)
298.	Lingkaran (circle)
299.	Lombok (chili pepper)
300.	Luar (out)
301.	Luat (sea)
302.	Lupa (forget)
303.	Macet (traffic)
304.	Mahal (expensive)
305.	Main (play)
306.	Makan (eat)
307.	Makanan (food)
308.	Malam (evening time 
	from 7-sunrise)
309.	Malas (lazy)
310.	Mana (where)
311.	Mandi (wash)
312.	Manis (sweet)
313.	Manusia (mankind)
314.	Marah (mad, angry)
315.	Mangga (mango)
316.	Maret (March)
317.	Mari (let)
318.	Mas (younger man)
319.	Masih (stll)
320.	Masuk (enter)
321.	Mata (eye)
322.	Matahari (sun)
323.	Mau (want)
324.	Mbak (younger woman)
325.	Mi (noodle)
326.	Meja (table)
327.	Mei (May)
328.	Melihat (to see)
329.	Melompat (to jump)
330.	Membaca (read)
331.	Memakai (wear)
332.	Mendiri (self-sufficient)
333.	Mengajar (to teach)
334.	Mengapa (why: kenapa used more)
335.	Mengerti (understand)
336.	Menikah (married)
337.	Menit (minute)
338.	Menulis (write)
339.	Menyanyi (sing)
340.	Menyupir (to drive)
341.	Merah (red)
342.	Merica (pepper)
343.	Mereka (they)
344.	Mesn (machine)
345.	Mesjid (mosk)
346.	Minggu (week)
347.	Minit (minute)
348.	Minta (please may I have)
349.	Minum (drink)
350.	Misalnya (for instance)
351.	Miskin (poor)
352.	Mobile (car)
353.	Muda (young)
354.	Mudah (easy)
355.	Murid (student)
356.	Monyet (monkey)
357.	Mulia (high)
358.	Mulut (mouth)
359.	Munkin (maybey, perhaps)
360.	Murah (cheap)
361.	Murid (student)
362.	Naik (ride)
363.	Nama (name)
364.	Nanti (later)
365.	Nasi (rice)
366.	Natal (Christmas)
367.	Negara (country)
368.	Nenas (pineapple)
369.	Nggak (no)
370.	Nol (zero)
371.	Nomor (number)
372.	Nonton (to watch)
373.	Normal (normal)
374.	November (November)
375.	Nyamuk (mosquito)
376.	Oktober (October)
377.	Ombat (medicine)
378.	Orangye (orange)
379.	Pacar (boy/girl friend)
380.	Pagi (morning time 
	between sunrise and 11)
381.	Pakai (use)
382.	Pakaian (clothes)
383.	Paling (greatest or most)
384.	Panas (hot)
385.	Panggil (call: like 
	“call him to come here)
386.	Panci (pot)
387.	Panjang (long)
388.	Parkir 
389.	Pasar (market)
390.	Payment (payment)
391.	Payung (umbrella)
392.	Pedas (spicy)
393.	Pegawai (waiter)
394.	Pelajaran (lesson)
395.	Pelan (slow)
396.	Pelayan (waiter)
397.	Pembantu (servant, maid, helper)
398.	Pen (pen)
399.	Pendek (short)
400.	Pendeta (pastor)
401.	Pensil (pencil)
402.	Penuh (full)
403.	Penyanyi (singer)
404.	Perahu (boat)
405.	Perempuan (woman)
406.	Perlu (need)
407.	Pernah (ever)
408.	Permen (candy)
409.	Pesan (to order)
410.	Pesawat udara (airplane)
411.	Pijat (massage)
412.	Pikir (think)
413.	Pilih (choose)
414.	Pintar (smart)
415.	Piring (plate)
416.	Pisang (banana)
417.	Pisau (knife)
418.	Pohon (tree)
419.	Polisi (police)
420.	Pria (man)
421.	Puji (praise)
422.	Pulang (to go home)
423.	Pulau (island)
424.	Pulung (to go home)
425.	Punya (have)
426.	Pusat (center)
427.	Putih (white)
428.	Putra (son)
429.	Putri (daugher)
430.	Raja (king)
431.	Ramah (friendly)
432.	Rambut (hair)
433.	Ratus (hundred)
434.	Relaksi (relax)
435.	Relasi (relationship)
436.	Rencana (plan)
437.	Renda (low)
438.	Restoran (resturant)
439.	Roh (spirit)
440.	Ribu (thousand)
441.	Ringan (light: as in weight)
442.	Roda (wheel)
443.	Roti (bread)
444.	Rayakan (celebrate)
445.	Ruang (public room)
446.	Rumah (house)
447.	Rumah sakit (hospital)
448.	Sabtu (Saturday)
449.	Saja (only, just: used at 
	the end of the sentence)
450.	Sakit (sick)
451.	Sama (same)
452.	Sama sama (your welcome)
453.	Sampai (until, arrive)
454.	Samping (beside)
455.	Sapi (beef)
456.	Sapu (broom)
457.	Saudara (brother)
458.	Saudari (sister)
459.	Saya (I)
460.	Sayur (vegetable)
461.	Sebelah (beside)
462.	Sebelum (before)
463.	Sebentar (a while, short time)
464.	Sebuk (busy)
465.	Sedang (in the process of)
466.	Sedikit (little or few: 
	used of quantity)
467.	Seekor (one animal)
468.	Segera (immediatly)
469.	Segiempat (square)
470.	Segitiga (triangle)
471.	Sejuk (cool weather)
472.	Sehat (healthy)
473.	Sekarang (now)
474.	Sekolah (school)
475.	Selalu (always)
476.	Selatan (south)
477.	Semakin (the more, 
478.	Semua (all)
479.	Senang (happy)
480.	Sendiri (alone, self, 
	on you own)
481.	Sendok (spoon)
482.	Seorang (one person)
483.	Sepak bola (soccer)
484.	Sepatu (shoe)
485.	Sepeda (bike)
486.	Seperempat (1/4)
487.	September (September)
488.	Sering (often)
489.	Sesudah (after)
490.	Setengah (half)
491.	Setiap (every: “setiap hari”
		 = every day)
492.	Siang (day time between 11-3)
493.	Siapa (who)
494.	Silakan (please, invitation)
495.	Singa (lion)
496.	Sore (afternoon time 
		between 3-7)
497.	Stabil (stable, secure)
498.	Stasiun (station)
499.	Sudah (already, like it 
		already happed)
500.	Suka (like)
501.	Supir (driver)
502.	Susu (milk)
503.	Suami (husband)
504.	Tadi (earlier)
505.	Taksi (taxi)
506.	Takut (scared, afraid)
507.	Tangan (hand)
508.	Tanggal (date)
509.	Tanpa (without)
510.	Tanya (ask)
511.	Tarik (pull)
512.	Tas (bag)
513.	Tauh (know)
514.	Teh (tea)
515.	Telepon (telephone)
516.	Televisi (television)
517.	Telinga (ear)
518.	Teman (friend)
519.	Tempat (place)
520.	Tenda (tent)
521.	Tengah (central, middle)
522.	Tentu (definatly, certainly: 
		used by itself)
523.	Terbang (fly)
524.	Terbelakan (under developed)
525.	Terima (receive)
526.	Terlalu (too)
527.	Tersenyum (smile)
528.	Terus (continue or then)
529.	Tiba (arrive)
530.	Tidak (no)
531.	Tidak pernah (never)
532.	Tidur (sleep)
533.	Tiket (ticket)
534.	Tim (team)
535.	Timor (east)
536.	Tinggal (live or stay)
537.	Tinggi (tall)
538.	Toko (shop)
539.	Tolong (please as in a favor)
540.	Topi (hat)
541.	Tua (old)
542.	Tunggu (wait)
543.	Tujuh (seven)
544.	Tuhan (Lord)
545.	Turus (continue, straight)
546.	Tutup (closed)
547.	Umur (age)
548.	Universitas (university)
549.	Untuk (for)
550.	Utama (main)
551.	Satu (one)
552.	Sayang (care, effection)
553.	Sebelum (before)
554.	Sebuah (a thing: just one)
555.	Selamat datang (welcome)
556.	Selamat jalan 
		(good bye to the one leaving)
557.	Selamat pagi (good morning)
558.	Selamat tinggal 
		(good bye to the staying)
559.	Sembilan (nine)
560.	Senang (happy)
561.	Sepatu (shoe)
562.	Sepeda (bike)
563.	Sepeda motor (motorcycle)
564.	Sesudah (after)
565.	Sepuluh (ten)
566.	Seratus (one hundred)
567.	Sejuta (one million)
568.	Seribu (one thousand)
569.	Sudah (already)
570.	Sulit (difficult)
571.	Tapi (but)
572.	Tiga (three)
573.	Tinggal (stay or live)
574.	Tuan (mr. or sir)
575.	Udang (shrimp)
576.	Umur (age)
577.	Ungu (purple)
578.	Utara (north)
579.	Wajah (face)
580.	Waktu (time)
581.	Walaupun (although)
582.	Wanita (woman)
583.	Warna (color)
584.	Yang lalu (ago)
585.	Yang mana (which)
586.	Yang paling (which most)
587.	Yesus (Jesus)