Gary Galbraith Logo
The Power of ONE

Follow me as I follow Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1)

Becoming a partner will give you an inside look into my life and ministry. You will have instant access to all of my messages and will receive notifications of the latest

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Your partnership in this life-changing adventure in faith will inspire, equip, and challenge you in your own spiritual growth. It will also make it possible for others to experience the abundant life in Jesus Christ.

There is great power in the number ONE. It speaks of individuality, unity, precision and power. When we take one day at a time or one task at a time, we can focus our energy and make a difference, rather than feeling overwhelmed by what lies before us. This applies to ministry as well. You might feel like you are only ONE person and that you could not make much of a difference on the world or this ministry.  But the truth is, as each ONE of us does our part, a partnership is developed.  And together we can make a difference through the power of ONE

The Power of ONE

So thank you for considering Gary Galbraith Ministries for you Christian personal growth needs and the communication of the gospel around the world.

This ministry is made possible by your monthly donations. All donations are tax deductible. You can make your donations from your bank account, credit card, or debit card. You say when. You say how much. You say how long. It’s a secure and easy way to partner with us and share in the vision!


Keep looking up,
Pastor Gary

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Please choose from one of the options below to begin your partnership with us. If you have any questions feel free to contact us by clicking the "need help" button below and we will be happy to assist you.


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