
Worship Well

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33

Rejoice, for you are highly favored by God!

Worship is pouring yourself out for the glory of someone or something. We were made to worship. We can’t help ourselves. It is what separates us from the other forms of creation. It is what makes us like God. But if we worship the wrong things, then we can lose our connection with God and get lost in idol worship. An idol is not a stature but anything that is created. We were meant to worship the Creator not the created. We may not think of ourselves as idolaters, but haven’t we all been guilty of “pouring out our selves” for things other than God. Getting caught up in careers, sports, hobbies, relationships and allowing them to turn to idols? Yes we have. We all have. These things are not inherently wrong. Yet they become distorted when they supersede God in our lives.

When we seek God’s kingdom and righteousness FIRST in our lives, then everything falls into place. The other “things” actually become more enjoyable. God is not a cosmic kill-joy. He created fun, pleasure, taste, and laughter.

Take a look at how you spend your time, money and energy. Does it all say that God is number one in your life? If not, you have things out of balance. Your priorities are robbing you of what you desire most in life, which is Intimacy with God.

So see your life as an act of worship. Pour yourself out for Jesus. Let your life worship Him! It is in this that you will find all you need.

Today’s prayer: “Lord Jesus be my first Love. Be my first priority. Be my first desire. Help my love for You burn my idols to the ground.”

Keep looking up,
Pastor Gary