
Walk by faith

"For we walk by faith and not by sight."
2 Corinthians 5:7

Life is about a relationship with God. Learning who He is and becoming more like Him. In order to walk with God we must walk by faith. Why…Because relationships are based on trust. There is no other way to know God and build an intimate relationship without trusting Him. In our selfish nature we want to walk by sight. This way we can see what is going on and have some sense of control. However, you were not created to control life but live it. In order to truly live it requires a supernatural ability to take God at His Word and walk by faith.

God will do whatever it takes to teach us to trust in Him. Sometimes that means allowing us to go through circumstance where we cannot "see" a way out, or how it will work out. It is in these times that God is seeking to build our faith. It is not comfortable, but it is fruitful.

Currently I am walking by faith in a greater capacity than I have in years. In fact, maybe more than ever in my life! It is not easy to build a ministry from scratch, and do missions work in Indonesia. The fact is though; I would not trade this venture of faith for anything in this world. It has brought me closer to God and made me more like Jesus.

I pray that your faith increases daily. May you discover the adventure of following the voice of God for yourself. It is incomparable.

Today's prayer thought: "Lord help me to see life through the eyes of faith. That I may see the unseeable, and truly walk with You!

Keep looking up,
Pastor Gary