
Tongues of fire

“Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them”. Acts 2:3

Jesus has promised that the early church would receive power when the Holy Spirit was poured out upon them (Acts 1:8). On the Day of Pentecost, fifty days after Passover, the promise was fulfilled. There was a visible presence of God’s spirit that was upon each of the disciples as they gathered in a Jerusalem upper room. Fire flames can look like a tongue as it licks through the air and then disappears. It was this metaphor the Luke used to describe the presence of the Holy Spirit that day.

Friends, I want you to remember that God’s supplies a power to us that is not our own. It is a power form on high. From the Most High God. It is through the enabling of the Spirit that we are able to do all God call us to do, and be all God calls us to be. May His spirit warm you heart and ignite your soul. May you be on fire with the Spirit of the living God.

The funny thing about these “tongues of fire” was that as it rested upon each one of them; you could see the presence of God on others,but not upon yourself. Isn’t that the way it still is! We can feel the spirit inside out hearts, but it is really others who get to see it operating in us. They can see through our eyes, our countenance, and our personality that the Spirit is upon us. But often times we cannot see it. Like seeing a child you haven’t seen in a few months. You’re likely to say, “My how you’ve grown”. You can see it because you have been slightly removed from their life. But their parents probably can’t see their growth because they see it everyday. In the same way, others can see in us what we cannot see in ourselves. So don’t get frustrated if you can’t “see” what God is doing. Perhaps some of your own growth is not for you to see. Let others see it. Let God see it. You just walk by faith and keep the fire burning.

So what can you do to allow the Holy Spirit to rest upon you? Many things, but they all have this in common: yielding to the Spirit. In your heart and mind simply let God be God in you. Surrender. Just be a vessel for God to fill and use. It is this openness to the Spirit that invites Him in. May your life be set on fire with Holy Spirit of God!

Today’s prayer thought:
“Lord, I yield my body, my will, my mind, and my direction to You. Have Your way in me.”

Keep looking up,
Pastor Gary