
Spirit Like the Wind

The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” John 3:8

When Nicodemus came to Jesus to inquire about the kingdom of God, Jesus explained that one has to be born again to see the kingdom of God (John 3:3). Then Jesus proceeded to explain the work of the Spirit in or lives. He gave this metaphor of the wind as a comparison.

Although the wind is something impossible to predict or control or even see, it is something we can harness the power of, and see the effects of. So it is with the Holy Spirit. God is invisible and His ways are past finding out, but still we can come under His power and see the effects He is having on our lives. Some people have a hard time believing in God, but these same people believe In the wind. Its funny how you will never hear of a person who doesn't believe in the wind. Why? Because it is observable. You can feel it even though you can’t see it or control it. So it is with God. We can’t see Him or control Him, but He is there moving and working all the time.

There are times when the wind stops blowing. Sailors call this the doldrums. During these calm times we don't stop believing in the wind, we just accept that it is not moving at the moment. It will move again soon. So it with God. There are times we cant see or feel God or the effects He is having on our lives. But He is still there and still working in our lives.

Sailors have mastered the use of the wind. They have learned how to harness its power. We can do the same thing. The Bible even commands us to “be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18). The word for “filled” is pleroo in Greek and is used to describe the wind filling the sails of a ship. The way for us to come under the power of the Spirit is to hoist the sails of our hearts and invite God to move thru us. Literally pray and surrender our lives to Him. Then we will see and feel Him and the effect He is having in our lives.

Today’s prayer thought: “Lord help me to open the sails of my heart to You so that You may move in and thru my life.”

Keep looking up,
Pastor Gary