
Rejoice Always

Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!
Phil. 4:4

God never gives us a command we cannot keep. Here we are commanded to rejoice always. This means that having God’s joy is not only a possibility, but also a choice. It also means that our joy is something that transcends our circumstances, which are ever changing. We can enter into the joy of the Lord anytime we choose to focus on God and let His spirit operate in us by faith. Imagine having an undercurrent of joy in your life! That despite what is happening around you, you are able to keep your faith, your peace, and even have a sense of joy in your life. Well, it’s not only possible, its God’s will for you. He wants you to have joy all the time.

Joy is very different than happiness. Happiness is based on what is “happening” around us. If everything is “happening” the way we want it to “happen” then we are “happy”. This is how most people live their life. Trying to control everything that is happening around them. This is both frustrating and exhausting. It promotes fear because we dread the thought of losing control and not being happy.

What if you could be set free from this roller coaster? What if you could tap into an undercurrent of joy that helped you rise above your circumstances? Well you can and here is how:

  • 1. Realize that God wants you to operate
    in His joy at all times.
  • 2. Realize that joy reflects God’s nature
    and brings God glory.
  • 3. Realize that nothing is worth giving up
    your joy over.
  • 4. Realize that joy is a state of being
    not a conditional response.
  • 5. Realize that joy is always only a choice away.
  • 6. Realize that joy is the confident celebration
    of God’s faithfulness.
  • 7. Realize that joy attracts other blessings
    into your life.

Today’s prayer thought: “Lord help me to rejoice in You at all times.”

Keep looking up,
Pastor Gary