
Perfect Peace

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.
Is. 26:3

We all desire to have a sense of calm, a quiet confidence, a tranquility. Yet instead of peace many experience worry, anxiety and fear. In this verse we discover two of the keys to experiencing peace in our lives.

First we need to fix our minds to be “stayed” on God. In other words, to keep or thoughts on God continually. When God is in view and we know how big He is, it shrinks our problems down to size. Rather than focusing upon our surroundings, we need to focus on God who is above all things. Especially the things we are dealing with. Paul the Apostle put it this way in Colossians 3:2; “Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. It is easy to allow our circumstances to capture our thinking and causes us to fret. But when we focus on God and His promises, we move from fear to faith and our perspective is put back into place. Remember: you give power to whatever you focus on, so focus more on God than your problems.

Second, we need to trust in the Lord. This means that we don't just think about God, but we believe He knows, He cares, and He responds to our need. That He keeps His promises. It is the trust that will grant you peace even in the midst of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

Peace is one of the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), so if you have lost your peace, you have stopped being led by the spirit and have slipped back into the carnality of your own nature. When you realize this, choose to put off the old man, and put on the new man by recognizing you are off course, and by refocusing on God. Then the peace will return to you.

May the Prince of Peace lead you into that perfect peace today.

Today’s prayer thought:
“Lord help me to both focus on You and trust in You that I might have Your perfect peace operating in my life.”

Keep looking up,
Pastor Gary