
New Mercies Every Morning

Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I hope in Him!” Lamentations 3:22-24

We all know what it is like to struggle with a sinful nature. We get emotional, make poor choices, and yield to temptations from time to time. Paul understood this struggle and referred to himself as a wretched man! Oh how we can relate.

God knows our struggle and although He hates sin, He loves sinners. He knows we need Him, especially when we are lost in sin. But we can get down on ourselves and even think that God is fed up with us. This guilt causes us to feel as if we cannot approach God until we get our act together. But the Bible gives us some much-needed hope here in Lamentations:

• Because God is so merciful, we are not consumed.
• Because of God’s mercy His compassion toward us never fails.
• God’s mercies are new every morning.
• God’s steady stream of mercy and grace are not limited, but “GREAT”.
• Because of God’s mercy our portion is God, not our sin.
• Because of God’s mercy we have hope.

So the next time you wake up feeling like a failure; remember that God is the One who can help you become a success. Yesterday is over so start again and let the morning bring you new mercy so that you pursue God and not sin and run to God instead of running from guilt. May the tender mercies of the Father lift you up!

Today’s prayer: Father thank You for your mercies toward me.

Keep looking up,
Pastor Gary