
Inner Flame

Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. Acts 2:3

It has been God’s plan and desire from the beginning to share His life with us. We were created in His image and likeness. The main purpose for our existence is to know Him. Not just know “about” Him, but know Him intimately and experience His Spirit and be empowered by it.

Sin weakens this connection between us and God. Jesus came to bring it back in full force. To reverse the curse of sin and make it possible for us who are sinners to be one with a God who is holy.

After His resurrection, Jesus told His disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they were endued with power from on high. That power came on the day of the feast of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit of God came down in visible form as of a flame of fire. That flame rested upon each of the disciples that day. It was the birth of the church and the beginning of a new era.

Although the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 was visible and rested “upon” the believers, the same Spirit is available to us today. The flame of God’s spirit now rests within us. It is an inner flame. And it is that flame, that fire, that Spirit, that makes ALL the difference in our lives. Without it we can do nothing of eternal consequence. With it we can do all things! It is life and power that does not originate from us but from God Himself. There is no greater blessing; There is no better reward; There is no higher calling than to allow the Holy Spirit of God to lead and empower your life! It’s what gives life to your life!

What can you do to possess this inner flame? What can you do to fan that flame? Exactly what the disciples did, Wait upon the Lord. That means surrendering your will to God’s will. That means seeing yourself as a servant of the Lord. It means presenting yourself to Him as a vessel for His use. If you will invite Him inside your heart, He will come in and begin the transformation process. It starts with a simple prayer of surrender like this, “Heavenly Father, I give my life to know You and serve You. Ignite Your Spirit in me so that I may share in

Your life and bring You glory. You are my source and my reward! Jesus I believe you died on the cross to bring me into complete fellowship with the Father. Be my Lord and Savior. Forgive me of my sins. Make me born again by the inner flame of your Spirit!”

In Jesus name, Amen

Welcome to eternal life, the kingdom of God, and the promise of heaven!!!


Today’s prayer thought: “Lord help me to keep fueling the flame of Your Spirit in me by choosing through my attitude and actions to glorify You.”


Keep looking up, Gary