
16,500 miles
in 25 days

Dear Partners,

I wanted to take the time to thank you for your support of the ministry and give you a recap of the recent trip to Indonesia.


The first half of the trip was spent in Jakarta with Marc Thompson. We focused on doing inner city ministry to the poor. We made several trips to different slum areas to love on the people through conversation, prayer, and at times some tangible financial gifts. For example, in one slum we met a woman named Ana, who was a widow of 60 years. All Ana had was the change in her pocket. We prayed over her, told we came in the name of Jesus, and gave her some money. She cried tears of joy as we prayed for her. Thank You Lord! Ana was one of the dozens we had the chance to encounter.

We also went to a hospital to pray for the sick. After much hassle and delays, we ended up being escorted into the cardiac children’s ward. There were three boys who all had open-heart surgery within that week. One of the boys was named Carmel. We shared with his mother that we were not permitted to enter any part of the hospital, but somehow by divine intervention we were escorted to their room. I told her that I believed God sent us all the way from America just to remind her that God loved her and was with her in her trial. She also wept with tears of gratitude unto God.

We went to a jail to see if we could minister to the inmates. After trying and trying we were told we could not get in. Then finally we got in touch with the right person who contacted the warden inside the prison, and we were let in. They immediately called a Bible study together, and before you could say “divine appointment” we were teaching the Word to 35 inmates. It was a surreal experience to be teaching inmates in an inner city prison with the prayers of a Mosque ringing in the background. I felt as though I was right where God wanted me to be. It felt like we were Bible characters in the book of Acts. Marc gave his testimony and an altar call. Most of the men came forward for prayer or to rededicate their lives to following the path of Jesus! In fact many of them had tears in their eyes. Wow...I will never forget it!

We also went to an inner city school that was an all-Muslim school. Most would say you couldn’t go into such a school, that the Muslim’s would not accept us. However, they received us with open arms. We shared that we came in the name of Jesus to show them love. We blew up beach balls and played with the kids. Marc, who is a three-time grand Master Champion in karate did a demonstration for the kids. It went over like gangbusters. The kids were learning some moves and smiling ear to ear. They all wanted high fives from us before we left. It was so precious to see them smile and want to touch us. Jesus was smiling too!

Then we went to an orphanage where Marc did another karate demonstration. I shared about the love of Jesus and how we should all follow our dreams. These kids were so amazing. When you shook their hands they would either kiss your hand or put it up to their foreheads as a sign of love and respect. Such reverence and gratitude! It was touching to see. These kids who have neither a mother nor a father being so thankful for the love from strangers. I felt unworthy to be in their presence in a way. As if they’re youthful innocence was so much purer than mine. We always would walk away blessed when we seek to bless others.

I also met with Pastor Dave Kennedy, who is the Senior Pastor of the largest English speaking church in Indonesia. He welcomed us into his church family and said he would love to work with us in the future. In fact at church on Sunday he had me stand up and introduced me to the church. The next time I return to Indonesia he will have me speak at the church. They are also interested in our work with the Nias tribe in North Sumatra. What a blessings to have a church to call home in Indonesia!

I said goodbye to Marc and hello to Pastor Tim Thompson, Taylor Ellis, and Jeremy Roldan as I traveled from Jakarta to Sumatra. We set out for the Island of Nias, which is about 90 miles off the coast of Sumatra. There we scouted out some islands that were about as primitive as they come. In one village we were met by a woman named Mama Silvis. She shared with us that they have not had a pastor visit their church for over three months because of its remote location. She shared they had prayed that God would send them someone who could teach them God’s Word. She said we were the answer to her prayers! Each day the villagers would ask us questions about the Bible and what was right and wrong. Their questions were so simple. Yet their child like faith was profound.

In one village we came across a man who could barely walk. He was sick and had soreness in his feet. We took him back to our camp and the next day he departed with us for the city where we got him the medical attention he needed.

On Sunday Pastor Tim and I each spoke at different churches. Everywhere we went we were invited to speak. I didn’t bring my preaching clothes from Jakarta so I preached in jeans and tennis shoes. They didn't seem to mind at all. As I spoke the people listened with great intent. They were hungry to hear what the American Pastor had to say. I could feel the Holy Spirit move through the room.

Pastor Tim went to visit the local jail. Upon meeting the warden, he was invited to give a Bible study on the spot. Tim agreed, and before you knew it over 300 men were gathered together to hear the Gospel. I have never been in a place so hungry for the Scriptures in all my life. This place is ripe for revival!

The last place we visited was Lagundri Bay. On this bay are three villages. The bay next to it has the second largest city on the island. This is the place!! This is where we will set up our mission for the future. Thank You Lord! I had been praying that God would lead us to a place where we could call home in Nias and this was it! From here we can reach out to the rest of the Nias tribe.

These are just some of the highlights from our 16,500 miles in 25-days Indonesia trip. As a partner, you share in the reward and blessing of this outreach. We could not do it without you. Thanks for your prayers and support. I will keep you updated on the developments and send more pictures and video as soon as it’s ready. Until then, may you be a missionary in your neighborhood or office. Go and make disciples in Jesus’ name!


Keep looking up,
Pastor Gary