
One Ingredient
From God

Dear Partners,

This apple may be rotten but it's actually a beautiful thing. Why? The fact that if it breaks down so easily that means your body will break it down and use it for fuel easily too.



You see, much of the food we eat in our fast paced American culture is packaged. This usually means it has gone through a process to give it a longer shelf life allowing it to become more marketable. Making its primary goal be about the profit, and disregarding healthiness. If the food you eat can stay on the shelf a long time, it can stay trapped in your body a long time as well. I call this kind of packaged food "dead" food because it is not living, not natural, and it will slowly kill you. That might sound drastic but it's the truth. As a society we are very unhealthy.

So I want to encourage you to eat as much whole food as possible. Remember, the fewer the ingredients the better. One ingredient being the best, like an apple! One ingredient from God, perfectly made to give you energy, vitality, and healthy. Besides, with God's food you can eat more of it!!

Keep looking up,
Pastor Gary