
Grace Wave

Dear Partners,

I trust this blog update finds you all doing well. Here is a quick recap from our Partner meeting last Wednesday. We began with a time of worship. I then casted the vision for proclaiming the gospel of grace to the people of Indonesia and the transition to Grace Wave Ministries. We did a little time of Q & A, broke up into groups to pray for Indonesia, and closed with a time of fellowship, coffee, and snacks. Thanks for all who could attend. I will be hosting more gatherings in the near future. The next one will be in early December to cap off the year and gain more momentum heading into the New Year.

In an effort to proclaim the gospel of grace to the world, I shared that I wanted to make all my teaching material available to the public. After all, it is the purpose of the ministry. That means the website will begin to go through a slight evolution as we emphasize my teachings and the message of the grace of God. Partners will still be the only ones to receive all my material directly, and receive updates about Indonesia, which is what the vast majority of you are interested in.

Please pray for me as I develop the new material called “Highly Favored”. This will be the main message I will be spreading to the world. I am asking God to give me 12 messages that will transform people’s lives.

Thank you once again for all your support! I could not do it without you. We are taking the greatest message in the world to the most unreached people in the world. There is no greater cause and no greater reward!