

You body is made up of approximately 70% water. Therefore, Hydration is a big and necessary part of being healthy. Most people do not drink enough filtered water to fuel and cleanse their body on a daily basis. They drink coffee, soda, tea, juice, and other liquids that are loaded with ingredients that clog the body, not cleanse it. Here is some information that you should know to properly hydrate yourself.


It is recommended to drink eight 8oz glasses of water a day, for a total of 64oz. Another rule of thumb is to take your weight and divide by 2, and that will get how much each individual should drink. For example 100 lbs/ 2 will be 50 oz of water a day.

In addition to hydration, water also helps the body to reduce acidity. Most people eat a diet of highly acidic foods. Cancer thrives in an acidic environment but cannot in an alkaline environment.

If you think back to high school chemistry class, you may recall that pH is an abbreviation for potential hydrogen. A pH number measures from 0 to14 how acidic or alkaline a liquid is -- anything above 7 is alkaline and anything below 7 is acid. Water has a pH level of 7 -- it's neutral, meaning it has the same amount of acids and alkalis, which balance each other out. When you're thinking about liquids in terms of their pH levels, going up or down one number on the scale represents a tenfold change in the acidity or alkaline nature of a liquid. For example, the pH level of milk is around 6. Because the pH level of water is 7, milk is 10 times more acidic than water. Vinegar has a pH of about 3, making it 40 times more acidic than water [source: Carpi].

Adding lemon to your water greatly increases its alkalinity. It also gives it some flavor. If you make the small adjustment of adding more filtered water to your daily routine, you will feel better, look better, live longer, and have more energy.

Remember: Health is the first wealth!