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"And a great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that it was already filling. But He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow." Mark 4:37-28b

Although several of the disciples of Jesus were seasoned fishermen, this particular storm was so great, that they feared for their lives. The wind was tearing through their sail. The waves were crashing over the bow. The boat that had served as a means to catch fish and provide life, was now filling up with water and threatened to take them to their death.

But more impressive than the power of the storm, is the peace of Jesus in the midst of the storm. While others are reacting to the chaos all around them, Jesus is at total peace. In fact, He is at such peace that He is able to sleep with His head on a pillow in the stern of the boat. Now this was not a large boat where Jesus would be below deck, out of the reach of the wind and waves. This was a one level vessel. That means that Jesus too was being hit by the fierceness of the storm. He too was feeling the sting of the needle like spray of the sea blasting His skin. Yet, He slept! Picture the terror in the face of the disciples and the calm in the face of Jesus. What a contrast.

Oh how life can change in an instant! One moment we are enjoying the sunshine and pleasant conversation, and the next moment we are tested to the core by the storms of this life. No one is immune to these storms. They come in all shapes and sizes. But the question is: how will we respond? Every storm has an eye. A place at its center where there is calm while everything around it is spinning out of control. We too can find that place. It is a spiritual place. It is a place in the mind that is accessed by faith. It is a place where faith overcomes fear and peace emerges. A place that you have access to everyday!

Today’s prayer thought: "Lord I chose to have peace in my heart, and make peace in my world. Help me to be more like You, especially when the storms of life come crashing in."